Name |
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Dr. Ashanand Makhija |
Post |
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Assistant Professor (Commerce)
Ph.D. Topic |
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राजनांदगांव जिले में अंतर स्थलीय मत्स्यपालन उद्योग का विकास, समस्याएं एवं संभावनाएं (1981-82 से 1995-96 तक) |
7803040003, 7000670095
Bussiness Mathematics
Bussiness Regulatory Framework
Bussiness Communication
Cost Accounting
Company Law
Fundamental of Entrepreneurship
Income Tax
Principals of Marketing
S.No. | Course | ASC | Year |
1 | R.C. | Guru Ghasidad University, Bilaspur | 1999 |
2 | O.C. | Panjab University, Chnadigarh | 1999 |
3 | R.C. | Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla | 2002 |
4 | R.C. | Jamia Milia Islamia Universit, Delhi | 2002 |
S.No. | College Name | U.G. | P.G. |
1 | Govt. Degree College, Gariyaband | 1.4 years | – |
2 | Govt. Digvijay College, Rajnandgaon | 21 years | 21 years |
3 | Govt. Nehru P.G. College, Rajnandgaon | 2 years | 2 years |
4 | Govt. Shivnath Science College, Rajnandgaon | 3 years | – |
Research Papers Published in Jounals/Books : 13
Research Papers Published in Seminars/Workshop : 05
Edited Book : “ग्रामीण उद्यमिता विकास : अवसर एवं चुनौतियाँ” ISSN – 978-81-8435384-6, अध्ययन पब्लिशन एंड डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर्स, नई दिल्ली ।
No. of Research Projects:- Minor Research Project
On going : Nill
Completed : 01
Title : “राजनांदगांव विकासखंड में स्वर्ण जयंती ग्राम स्वरोजगार योजनान्तर्गत हितग्राही महिला स्वयं सहायता समूहों की आर्थिक एवं सामाजिक स्थिति का अध्ययन”
Ph.D. Guide :-
No. Of Scholars Registered : 02
Thesis Submitted : Nil
Thesis Awarded : Nil
Titles : (i) छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य में उत्पादित गन्ना का संगठित एवं असंगठित क्षेत्र में वाणिज्यिक उपयोग, रोजगार सृजन एवं संभावनाएँ (दुर्ग संभाग के विशेष संदर्भ में)
(ii) छत्तीसगढ़ की अर्थव्यवस्था में गौशालाओं के पंचगत्य उत्पादों के योगदान का आर्थिक विश्लेषण (दुर्ग संभाग में संचालित गौशालाओं के विशेष संदर्भ में )
- Self Development
- Career in Commerce
- How to prepare research project
- How to maintain Daily Diary & Attendence Register
- Effective Study
- Successful Enterpreneurship
- Self Development & Enterpreneurship
- Effective study & Writing Skill
- Research Methodology
- Ragging Control Committee
- Library Committee
- U.G.C. Committee
- Research Committee
- NAAC Committee
- Website Committee
- Time Table Committee
- Staff Council Admission Committee
- AF & Development Fund
- Internal Audit
- Purchase Committee
- Janbhagidari
- Write-off
- Student Parents
Participation on ‘Faculty Development Program’ organised by CG Enterpreneurship Development, Raipur at 2006.
Reasearch paper review in ‘Asian Resonance’ journal (ISSN 0946-8602 Vol. 04, Issue 02 Apr, 2017).
Reasearch paper review in ‘Periodic Research’ Journal (ISSN 2349-9435 Vol. 04, Issue 01 Aug, 2015).
Artcles published on ‘The Trayo’ Magzine on Chhattisgarh Budget.
Organising secretoary of National Semar sponsored by UGC in 2012.
Part time coordinator of IGNOU of study centre in 2009-2012.
Couseller of IGNOU in Commerce Subject.
Worked Executive member & Secretory of Social Institution ‘Pujya Sindi Panchayat’ in 2008-2014.
Election Master Trainer since last 15 years.
Board of studies member in ‘Hemchand Yadav University,Durg’ for session 2016-17.
Badminton champion in singles and doubles tournament Organised by ‘Jila Police Bal, Rajnandgoan’ at 2019.
Badminton champion in doubles and runner up in single tournament Organised by ‘Jila Police Bal, Rajnandgoan’ at 2008.
Badminton Runner up in Inter department Tournament at 2008.
V.C. nominee member of governing body of Royal college, Rajnandgaon (2017-2019).