Guest Lecture Session on “Basic Tools of English Grammer”. in the session 2017-18
Resource Person: Dr. Rupal Amin Farishta
Conducted on: 23.01.2017
The Department of English conducted a Guest Lecture on 23.01.2017. The resource person – Dr Rupal Amin Farishta, Assistant Professor, Department of English, spoke on the topic – of basic tools of English grammar, introducing the students to the basic grammatical tools in the English language. Dr Farishta made the session very interesting by guiding the students on how to prepare for the annual examination and to write better answers. The program started with Saraswati Puja. Thereafter the Guest Spokesperson was welcomed by the Principal in charge Dr Nirmala Umare. The session was very interactive and was highly appreciated by the students at the end many students requested more such sessions. To attend the lecture, a large number of students were present with Dr Sapna Parihar (Professor English).